Club 2000 Sports&Leisure

Non-profit Charity organisation - Registered Charity No. 1077511

Sports & Wii!

Every week we have access to the onsite Gym with a trained PT. We also have football sessions running from 7.30-8.30 as well as a wii with wii sports for those who enjoy this!

Arts & Drama!

We offer a range of arts & crafts activities that differ weekly from; crocheting too colouring we cater to all.

We have a drama group run by volunteers encouraging those who love to perform to take part and a yearly show to showcase their talent!

Tuck Shop & Bingo!

We have a tuck shop run by our volunteers providing a range of different snacks and drink for under £1 and a weekly bingo session with the chance to win some great prizes!

Get to know us

Below are a few pictures of our members enjoying our different activities, discos, shows and trips!

Club 2000 Sports & Leisure - Registered Charity No. 1077511
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