About us

Everything you may need to know

We cater to individuals with many different needs

We provide a social and friendly environment for individuals over the age of 16 with physical and/or learning disabilities 

Becoming a member

To become a member please reach out to us via our 'contact us' page, our friendly volunteers will reply to you as soon as possible with costs etc. As a member you will have access to club weekly as well as the Club 2000 discos, club trips and even the holiday! (trips and holiday may require additional costs)

We are non-profit

We are a non-profit charity organisation with no external funding we rely solely on membership fees, donations and fundraising by volunteers/different external organisations

When & Where is Club 2000?

Club 2000 is run from 6.30-8.30 Thursday evenings at Oakengates Leisure centre - our discos are held at Dawley Legion Club (Members will be told when discos are taking place)

If you are a parent/carer of a member please be advised that there are no Club 2000 Volunteers on the premises before 6.30pm and after 8.30pm to support individuals, so please make sure transport is arranged for 8.30pm when club finishes 

Thinking of volunteering?

We are always happy to welcome volunteers to our club! If you feel this is something you would enjoy doing please don't hesitate to contact us using the email or facebook page and one of our friendly volunteers will get in touch as soon as possible to give you any information a volunteer would need to know

A word from our chair!

"I am delighted you are considering us and welcome you to join our team. I can honestly say I love being a part of Club 2000. We are a respectful, friendly and excited group of people who work towards a common consensus of putting our members first. This is their sports and leisure club and we facilitate activities, events, trips to meet their needs. Personally, I think that being a volunteer is extremely rewarding it is also a great way to; meet new people, gain new or use existing skills, get experience, make a big difference to your community. We pride ourselves on flexibility and love new ideas. If you have any queries or issues please don't hesitate to contact myself or any other volunteer who will be happy to help."

Danielle Jackson - Chairperson for Club 2000

Club 2000 Sports & Leisure - Registered Charity No. 1077511
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